New Delhi: The Delhi High Court Friday directed the Centre, the AAP government and municipal bodies in the city to procure and provide anti-rabies vaccines (ARVs) in sufficient quantities at regular intervals to hospitals run by them in the national capital.
The direction by a bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice C Hari Shankar came while disposing of a PIL initiated by the court on its own on the basis of a news report which highlighted the shortage of anti-rabies injections in Delhi.
The court noted that the central government-run Safdarjung Hospital received a monthly supply of 9,000 vials of ARVs and the other authorities are also able to procure the medicine in sufficient quantities and therefore, there was no need to further monitor the issue.
It directed the authorities "to procure and provide ARVs in sufficient quantities to government-run hospitals in the city at regular intervals" and disposed of the PIL.