New Delhi:Police have arrested two persons including the prime accused in the murder of a 36-year-old Amazon manager who was shot dead by bike-borne assailants in northeast Delhi's Bhajanpura area on Tuesday evening, an official said on Thursday. The prime accused identified as Mohammad Sameer alias Maya and Bilal Ghani alias Mallu, a resident of Subhash Mohalla of Bhajanpura were arrested by the police in the wee hours of Thursday after being identified on the basis of CCTV footage, DCP Dr. Joy Tirkey said.
Police say that efforts are being made to arrest the rest of the accused. Bilal was arrested near the Signature Bridge at 2 am on Thursday. The DCP said that on Tuesday night at 11.53 pm, Harpreet Gill and his 32-year-old maternal uncle Govind Singh were reported to have been shot in Subhash Vihar street number 8 of Bhajanpura police station area.
Also read:Youth arrested in connection with murder of Amazon manager in Delhi
As soon as the information was received, the police team reached the spot. The injured were taken to the hospital, where the doctor declared Harpreet dead, while the injured Govind was admitted. Harpreet was a senior manager in a Amazon at Jakhira in west Delhi, while Govind runs a momos shop. During the probe of the case, police registered a case of murder and attempt to murder.