New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Wednesday that actor Sonu Sood has the prayers of lakhs of families of India who got his support in difficult times.
Income Tax Department officials descended on the premises linked to actor Sonu Sood in Mumbai and some other places on Wednesday in connection with an alleged tax evasion probe, official sources.
Coming out in Sood's support, Kejriwal said there are millions of difficulties on the path of truth, but the truth always wins. "There are millions of difficulties on the path of truth, but the truth always wins. With Sonu Sood ji, there are prayers of lakhs of families of India who got Sonu ji's support in difficult times," he tweeted, tagging a news report of the IT department action.
The Delhi government had recently declared Sood as the brand ambassador of the Aam Aadmi Party government's 'Desh ka mentors' programme under which students will be guided in making their career choices.