New Delhi: Police are examining the CCTV footage of the murder of Delhi BJP leader Surendra Matiala, who was shot dead on Friday evening in Dwarka district of capital Delhi. Matiala was shot dead from point blank by unknown assailants inside his office on Matiala Road at around 7:30 pm. It is learnt that preliminary investigation has revealed that two attackers went inside Matiala's office while a third attacker was waiting on a motorcycle outside the office.
It is said that the three attackers fled on the motorcycle after committing the crime. Dwarka DCP M Harshvardhan said that during the investigation of the case, it was revealed that Matiala was shot several times from point blank range. The entire team of Operation Cell along with Bindapur Police has been engaged in the investigation, he said adding every aspect is being investigated into the incident and the murder will be solved soon.
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While the attackers are still at large, police said that an investigation into the high profile murder case. A police official said that the five police teams set up to probe the matter have collected more than 100 CCTV footages of the area which are being examined. The police hope that the killer's will be soon behind the bars.
While the slain BJP leader's son has stated that his father had not any enmity with anybody, it is being speculated that a property dispute might be at the root of the murder. Soon after the murder on Friday, police and forensic teams rushed to the spot to collect material and technical evidence to nab the culprits.
Police is also waiting for the post-mortem of Surendra Matiala which is being done at Deendayal Upadhyay Hospital. After the post-mortem, the body will be handed over to his family members for cremation. Slain Surendra Matiala was in-charge of Najafgarh District Kisan Morcha. In the past, he has fought the election of the councilor on behalf of the BJP.
His office was running on Matiala Road for a long time.