New Delhi: Senior Congress leader M Veerappa Moily on Wednesday hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying instead of addressing real concerns, he was again resorting to the rhetoric of 'road to self-reliance' which is "nowhere in sight".
Moily's remarks came a day after PM Modi, at the Confederation of Indian Industry’s (CII) annual session, on Tuesday had explained the concept of 'Atma-nirbhar Bharat' or Self-reliant India - one where products are 'Made in India' for the world and a nation that is not dependent on others in strategic sectors.
"The address by the Prime Minister to the CII yesterday is a big joke on the economic distress the country is facing. The need of the hour is to have an honest approach to the plight of the people of the country," Moily said in a statement.
In his address prior to 'Lockdown 1', the prime minister said the 'Mahabharata' war was won in 18 days, but the fight against COVID-19 will take 21 days, the Congress leader recalled.
After urging the nation to light candles and 'diyas' for nine minutes at 9 pm to "defeat the despair" brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, all statements thereafter have proved hollow and several such remarks are far away from the truth, the former Union minister said.
Noting that even NITI Aayog gave a report that COVID-19 will not survive beyond May 31, Moily said the confidence of the people is at the lowest.
The relief measures have amounted to only 0.8 per cent of the GDP, leaving the RBI to do the heavy lifting.
The Standard Chartered Bank PLC is projecting a two per cent contraction this year, the ANZ banking group economists have said that "growth in India is clearly under siege" and Moody's downgrade has again exposed the ill-conceived policies of the past, he said.
The credibility of the Indian economy is so low that foreign banks are contemplating selling away Indian loans, the Congress leader said.
Moody's have downgraded PSUs and some private banks and also cut ratings of eight non-financial companies and infrastructure issuers, he said.