New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that his government was spending Rs 6.5 lakh crore on the welfare of farmers and agriculture every year. The Prime Minister was speaking after inaugurating the 17th Indian Cooperative Congress at International Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre (IECC) in the national capital. Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah was also present on the occasion.
"They (the UPA govt) spent Rs 90,000 crore on agriculture in five years prior to 2014. We have spent three times more on the 'Pradhan Mantri Kisan scheme only," PM Modi said. He also said that cooperatives are being supported with facilities and platforms like that of the corporate sector.
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"I only state what I have done for farmers and not just make promises," Prime Minister Modi added. He also that his government has promoted Digital India, enabling direct benefits to reach beneficiaries directly. "The aim is also to eliminate the dependency on cash transactions. India's dominance in Digital transactions has become our identity in the world. This needs to be incorporated in our cooperative sector as well," PM Modi said.
According to the Prime Minister, ethanol worth Rs 70,000 crore was purchased from sugar mills in nine years. Stressing the need to reduce imports of edible oils and pulses, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that cooperatives can play a major role in making the country self-reliant.
The Prime Minister also said that from milk powder to butter to ghee, Indian produce is in demand in the world. "A new market is being formed for our millets. Our Shree Anna can be a great opportunity to earn for our small farmers," he added. The Prime Minister further said that there was long-standing demand for a separate fisheries ministry and it has been fulfilled by his government.
Also read:Revive cooperative banks to extend more long-term loans to farmers: Shah