New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that India has a unique confluence of various parliamentary practices from around the world. Addressing G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit in the national capital here, Modi said that India's parliamentary practices have evolved and strengthened with time.
The Prime Minister said that the world must speak in one voice against terror and there should be unity in the fight against terrorism. Saying that terror activities were against humanity, he said that conflicts and confrontations being faced by world today do not benefit anyone. A divided world cannot give solutions for challenges that are arising before humanity now, he said.
PM Modi said that it is time for peace and brotherhood, stating that terrorism in any form is against humanity. He stressed the need for a human-centric approach in resolving the world's problems, saying that any obstacle standing in the way of global trust and confidence should be removed. Referring to the attack on India's Parliament House two decades ago, Modi said cross-border terrorism has remained a big concern.
Narendra Modi called upon the parliaments across the world to discuss ways to check terrorism. He pointed out that though the world was now realising the bigger challenge from terrorism is, there was lack of common ground that that became an advantage for the terrorists.
PM Modi said that the 2024 Lok Sabha election will witness participation of 100 crore voters. India has conducted over 17 general elections and 300 state assembly polls since independence, he said.