New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the newly-constructed Parliament building on May 28. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla met Modi on Thursday and extended an invitation to inaugurate the new building, the Lok Sabha Secretariat said. The new Parliament building can comfortably seat 888 members in the Lok Sabha chamber and 300 in the Rajya Sabha chamber, it said.
In case of a joint sitting of both Houses, a total of 1,280 members can be accommodated in the Lok Sabha chamber. The prime minister had laid the foundation stone of the new parliament building on December 10, 2020. The new building has been built in record time with quality construction, the Lok Sabha Secretariat said.
The present Parliament building was completed in 1927 and is now 96 years old. Over the years, the old building was found to be inadequate for present-day requirements. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha had passed resolutions urging the government to construct a new building for Parliament. The new building, constructed by Tata Projects Ltd, will have a grand constitution hall to showcase India's democratic heritage, a lounge for MPs, a library, multiple committee rooms, dining areas and ample parking space.
The triangular-shaped four-storey building has a built-up area of 64,500 square metres. The building has three main gates -- Gyan Dwar, Shakti Dwar, and Karma Dwar. It will have separate entrances for VIPs, MPs, and visitors. The Congress took a swipe at the prime minister over the new Parliament building, calling it a "personal vanity project".