New Delhi: Today marks the birth anniversary of the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Jayanti also known as Prakash Parv is celebrated on the 17th of January.
Today commemorates the 357th birth anniversary of the last Khalsa Guru. Born on the 6th Dec 1666 to Guru Teg Bahadur (9th Sikh Guru) and Mata Gujri. After his father was killed in 1956 by Aurangzeb ( Mughal emperor) refusing to convert to Islam, Guru Gobind was proclaimed as the 10th Guru at the age of 9 on Baisakhi.
He is remembered and known for his roles as a fabled warrior, poet, philosopher, and for his teachings. He epitomized the qualities of courage, wisdom and compassion, holding a special place in the hearts of Sikh community and beyond.