New Delhi:The Congress on Sunday lashed out at government while demanding an explanation on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement that there was no intrusion in the Indian territory and asked, "Has not the PM's statement in a way endorsed the Chinese position that they never intruded in our territory?"
While addressing a virtual press conference, Congress senior leader Kapil Sibal said, "China's brazen transgressions into India's territory in the Galwan Valley, Pangong Tso lake area and Hot Springs cannot be accepted. Our territorial integrity will not be compromised under any circumstances? We will repulse every sinister design of China to usurp India's territory. Any attempt by China to illegally appropriate India's territory will be repelled."
He also mentioned the statements given by Defense Minister and External Affairs Minister on June 17 and June 20, about the designed incursions on multiple incursions between April-May 2020 in Galwan Valley, Pangong Tso lake area and Hot Springs.
"Let the nation not forget that Col B. Santosh Babu and our 19 jawans have made the supreme sacrifice defending our motherland. Let no one in the Central Government remain in denial. Until the Chinese retreat and status quo ante is restored, our Government should not let up or appear to cede any part of these territories to the Chinese," Sibal added.
The Congress leader posed five questions for the center to answer on it's position on Indo-China border dispute over the past 6 weeks.
Among these questions, Sibal alleged that the government was in denial of Chinese "intrusions" as "confirmed" by several security experts, retired Army Generals and Satellite imagery.