New Delhi: The Delhi Traffic Police has released data on accidents in the capital city in 2020. The data has revealed that about 45 per cent of the victims are pedestrians. According to the data, in the year 2020, 1182 people died in road accidents, out of which 505 people were pedestrians.
To prevent such road accidents, important steps are constantly being taken by the traffic police. Help is also being taken from the government.
According to the information, however, there has been a decrease of about 19 per cent of road accidents in the year 2020 as compared to 2019. These accidents are the lowest in 37 years. But even then, these figures bother the traffic police. Because even now, on the streets of Delhi, about 1200 people lose their lives every year in accidents.
In 2020, 45 per cent of the total persons killed in road accidents were pedestrians while scooter or motorcycle riders were second-most vulnerable with 35 per cent.
The Delhi Traffic Police is working with the government to reduce such road accidents.
Joint Commissioner Manish Aggarwal said that a large number of pedestrians become victims of accidents every year. To reduce such accidents, constant awareness campaigns are being conducted by the traffic police. People are made aware of the precautions they should take while crossing the road. Along with this, the drivers are also told to give priority to the people walking on the road. But to reduce such accidents, people have to be alert on their own.
'More accidents happen at night'
Joint Commissioner Manish Agarwal admitted that people become accident victims during the night time.
A big reason for this is the reduced visibility at night. Many roads remain dark, due to which accidents take place.