New Delhi/Noida: Heavy rain was recorded in Delhi and NCR area causing waterlogging and traffic congestion in several parts of the national capital on Thursday. According to official sources, the PWD's Control Room received 15 complaints of waterlogging. Among the areas from where frequent complaints are received include Kaushik Enclave in Burari, the stretch from Wazirabad towards Timarpur and Mandoli Road.
Sharing a video of waterlogging and children in school uniform wading through knee-deep water on the official Twitter handle, the BJP's Delhi unit wrote asking Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to pay attention to the waterlogging issue. Apart from this multiple videos of the situation of the national capital have come to the surface. Official sources said that on Thursday morning Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram and Faridabad of NCR received heavy rainfall.