New Delhi: The shady credentials of Vicky Sharma alias Jangli, who was nabbed by Delhi cops as the fifth suspect for providing shelter to the four accused in the Parliament security breach case, are keeping security officials busy, who are on the lookout for piecing together more details to arrive at a definitive conclusion. The Gurugram resident gave shelter to the four, who hatched the plan in House 67 of Sector 7. Sharma and his wife are now in Delhi Police custody, facing intense interrogation by the Anti-Terror Unit and intelligence agencies.
On Wednesday, which coincided with the anniversary day of the Parliament attack 22 years ago, Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D, two intruders, jumped inside the Lok Sabha from the visitors' gallery and sprayed yellow gas, triggering a panic button. Two other accused, Amol Shinde and Neelam Devi were found protesting outside the Parliament. Police are tracing Lalit, the sixth suspect in the case.
As per Sharma's criminal record, he was an active member of the 'Fauji Gang' in the 80s and 90s. His neighbours and officials of the Resident Welfare Association (RWA) have raised serious questions about his suspicious and unsocial behaviour. As per reports, he has been living in the house with his wife and children for the past 18 years.
As per the Crime Branch, Sharma worked as a driver in an export company and was close to the four accused who have been arrested. Meanwhile, Gurugram Police has started interrogating Sharma's daughter. She often quarrelled with her parents which is why they rarely visited her, claimed the neighbours.