New Delhi: Raising questions over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's educational qualification has become the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's most frequent salvo's at the BJP. However, information available on the official website of the Election Commission and a recent report released by the Praja Foundation, a non-governmental organization that collects data on MLAs and MPs from across the country, shows that out of the 62 AAP MLAs in the Delhi Assembly 22 have studied only till class XII.
This means that over 33 per cent of the current AAP MLAs are non-graduates. It shows that the least educated AAP MLA Abdul Rehman, is the eighth pass, followed by Naresh Balyan, the ninth pass. Balyan, known to be a firebrand leader of the AAP often takes frequent jibes at the BJP on social media.
As for the educational qualification of AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal, he is a B Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Former Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia has a Diploma in Journalism while former minister Satyendar Jain has done graduation in architecture. AAP Minister Gopal Rai has a Masters's degree in Sociology while Kailash Gahlot has an LLM degree. Another AAP minister Atishi has done MSC and Saurabh Bhardwaj has a B Tech Degree.