New Delhi: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Tuesday said his organisation is against all forms of violence and its volunteers work to stop incidents like lynching.
"We condemn all forms of violence. Swayamsewaks work to stop such incidents. If a swayamsevak (volunteer) is found guilty, we will disown him and the law should take its own course," he told 80 journalists representing the foreign media at an interaction here.
Bhagwat was asked about incidents of lynching.
Though the RSS in an official statement simply said Bhagwat's interaction with the foreign media as part of the continuous process where he engages in constructive dialogue with people from different walks of society, sources quoted him asserting that his organisation condemns any form of violence.
In some cases, Muslims have been targeted and even killed by people allegedly linked to cow protection groups after being accused of smuggling or slaughtering cows.
Slaughtering cow is banned in many states.