New Delhi: The Congress on Thursday said only a joint parliamentary committee probe into the Adani issue will reveal the "full truth of the Modani scam", with Rahul Gandhi alleging that the government is not bothered about the public money getting "looted".
"Market capitalization of LIC - May 2022: Rs 5.48 lakh crore. May 2023: Rs 3.59 lakh crore. Decline: 35 percent. 'Saheb' has only one focus - how to save the businessman. Even if the hard-earned money of the public gets looted, or the investment of shareholders sinks," Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi. Senior leader Jairam Ramesh, in a tweet, cited a news report that has alleged a "cover up".
The Congress has been alleging that the money of LIC (Life Insurance Corporation) policyholders has been invested in the Adani Group. It has also claimed that LIC share prices have declined drastically since the Hindenburg Research report, which alleged stock price manipulation by the Adani Group, came out. The Adani Group has denied the allegations.
Sharing the link to a news report on Twitter, Ramesh said it is an "expose of the anatomy of a Modani cover-up". Citing the report, he said, "Hire a tiny accounting firm to audit gigantic companies. Get auditors to make identical 'qualified opinions', the minimum needed to comply with the law, without saying why or how it affects investors.