New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said that the number of coronavirus patients in the hospitals has "gone down" and added that 9,900 COVID beds are now free in the national capital.
He also claimed that a large number of people are also getting cured of the infection at home in Delhi.
"Less and less people in Delhi are now requiring hospitalisation, more and more people are getting cured at home. Whereas there were around 2,300 new patients daily last week, no of patients in hospital has gone down from 6,200 to 5,300. Today, 9900 corona beds are free," the Delhi Chief Minister tweeted.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal yesterday said that the recovery rate in the city had crossed 70 per cent, while his deputy, Manish Sisodia, tweeted that the positivity rate has "dipped to 10.58 per cent from 36.94 per cent earlier".
Meanwhile, Delhi Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal inaugurated the 10,000-bed Sardar Patel COVID care centre, the 'largest' of its kind in the world.
The centre has been set up in Chhatarpur for treating mild and asymptomatic coronavirus patients.
It will also serve as a treatment centre for those who are asymptomatic but cannot afford home isolation.