New Delhi:Congress leader Alka Lamba on Tuesday slammed the Centre after she broke down following a clash with the police. The incident occurred when Lamba was staging a protest against the government regarding the Enforcement Directorate (ED) questioning Rahul Gandhi as well as demanding a rollback of the Agnipath armed forces enrolment scheme. In the clip, Lamba is seen repeatedly chanting 'Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan', before stating that her injuries are nothing compared to what the country has been going through.
"We have a constitutional right to protest. I am not crying because of my injuries, but due to the condition of the country right now. Youth of the country are on the streets, they are killing themselves. The soldier and the farmer both are crying. My wounds will heal tomorrow, but what about the damage that has been done to the country?" she said. "We are holding an unarmed 'Satyagraha' (peaceful protest) about the National Herald case and the misuse of the government machinery. Even that it is allowed", she further noted.