New Delhi: Former Union Minister and BJP MP from Bihar, Ram Kripal Yadav said that the Janata Dal (United)'s entry in the West Bengal Assembly elections will not dent the BJP and that their alliance with the latter is only limited to Bihar. He even went on to say that the Nitish Kumar led JD(U) has the freedom to contest elections in any state. The BJP MP said that they do not have any alliance with the JD(U) in Bengal and that it would not affect their chances.
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Ram Kripal Yadav has said that none will vote for the JD(U) even by mistake and that it is contesting elections for the purpose of making its presence felt. He said that that real fight in the upcoming elections is between the Trinamool Congress (TMC) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
The 63-yr old from Patna said that the BJP has been busy strengthening its presence in West Bengal for many years. On the other hand, the BJP leader lashed out at West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee saying that she has been looting the state. He alleged that a lot of corruption has happened and that several BJP workers were killed during the TMC regime.