New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed a chargesheet against three persons, including a Myanmar national, in a case of extortion by members of banned terror outfits in Manipur, officials said. It is learnt that the chargesheet was filed in the NIA Special Court in Imphal on Wednesday against the three cadres of the proscribed terrorist organisations, namely PRA (People’s Revolutionary Army), KCP (Kangleipak Communist Party), PREPAK (People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak) and UNLF (United National Liberation Front), among others.
Sources said that the accused have been charged under IPC and UA(P)A Act 1967. The accused have been identified as 38-year-old Deepak Sharma alias Khinmaung of Myanmar, Suraj Jasiwal (33) of Manipur and Shaikhom Bruce Meetei (38), also of Manipur. Deepak has been additionally charged under the Foreigners Act, 1946, official sources said.