New Delhi: Going ahead with its cohesive actions against the Popular Front of India (PFI), the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday conducted search operations for several PFI cadres, who were trained in the use of knives, daggers, swords and other weapons. The anti-terror agency carried out search operations at 56 locations across Kerala against the banned outfit.
"Searches were conducted at residences of seven state executive committee members, seven zonal heads of PFI, 15 physical training instructors-trainers of PFI, houses of seven PFI cadres trained in the use of knives, daggers, swords and other types of weapons to carry out murderous violent acts and 20 other suspects," an NIA official said.
The NIA conducted the search operation following several clues they received from other arrested PFI leaders. "We will continue our search operation. We believe that there are still several PFI leaders and cadres, who are on the run from law enforcement agencies," the official said. The agency suspects that even though PFI was banned for five years, the members may get involved in anti-national activities with the help of forces inimical to India's security.