New Delhi: A PIL was filed in Supreme Court on Thursday seeking a direction that the new Parliament building should be inaugurated by the President of India Droupadi Murmu on May 28. The PIL said Lok Sabha Secretariat violated the Constitution by not inviting the President for the inauguration.
The statement issued by the Lok Sabha Secretariat on May 18, and invites issued by the Secretary General, Lok Sabha, about the inauguration of the new Parliament building, is in violation of the Indian Constitution, the PIL filed by advocate Jaya Sukin said.
"That Prime Minister is appointed by the President and other ministers are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. The President of India is authorised to appoint constitutional functionaries such as Governors, Judges of both the Supreme Court and high court, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, chairman and manager of the Union Public Service Commissioner, Chief Election Commissioner, Financial Commissioner, and other Election commissioners," the plea said.