New Delhi: Jyoti was having dinner on Thursday when the silence of the night was shattered by the sound of gunshots, as her 23-year old tenant was gunned down and his newly-wedded wife severely injured in a suspected case of honour killing. 'We heard multiple rounds of firing coming from Vinay Dahiya's house and got scared. We saw some people chasing Vinay who was running for his life,' said Jyoti, the owner of the building in which the couple were living. Around 9.30 pm on Thursday, the police received a call which said a couple had received gunshots injuries.
Vinay received four bullet injuries around his stomach and chest, while his wife Kiran (19) received a wound on her neck, police said. The victims were rushed to Venkateshewara hospital where Vinay was declared brought dead. Kiran, who tried to escape through the terrace, is undergoing treatment at the hospital. 'We were having dinner when the incident took place. When I heard the first shot, I thought it was a small cylinder blast. But when the shots continued, I was sure that the bullets were being fired. We were in our house with our children so we closed the doors as we got scared.
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'We did not see anyone go upstairs. Vinay came downstairs and ran towards the street to save his life. The men followed him and shot him on the street. Later, people called the police and took the victim to hospital,' Jyoti said. Kiran was also taken to the hospital when people got to know that she too had sustained bullet injury, the owner said. Jyoti said on June 20, the couple took the flat on rent.