New Delhi: National Commission for Minorities (NCM) chairperson Iqbal Singh Lalpura on Friday held a meeting with different religious leaders and discussed ways to maintain peace and harmony within these communities. Representing the Sikh community, Brigadier Kuldip Singh (retd) said religion is a private affair and people must contribute leave a legacy behind. We are capable of making the best universities with best physical infrastructure but we forget that education come with decades. You can have degrees but you can still be uneducated, Singh said.
We need good educators and sensible people to teach our children there must be a larger purpose to humanity. The country is above everyone, he said. Swadesh Bhushan Jain, who represented the Jain community in the meeting, said that different faiths cannot co-exist without ahimsa' (principle of non-violence). There was a time when we were taught to love and respect all communities and religions in our schools. I would like to request the chairman to include the same in the text books once again. Life cannot be successful without ahimsa, Jain said.