New Delhi: A new channel dedicated to showing the rallies and speeches of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had created a storm as the Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party complained to the Election Commission of India about it on Monday. The Election Commission issued a notice seeking a report from the I&B Ministry on NaMo TV.
Talking to ETV Bharat in this regard, Political Expert Suresh Bafna said, "Namo TV is just BJP's advertising channel, which will be stopped after the election is over."
"I don't think a party-sponsored TV channel broadcasting the party’s Unique Selling Point violate the model code of conduct. The whole point of an election campaign is that different parties try their level best to influence the voters in their own favour. If some parties are able to mobilise a larger number of people to their rallies than other parties, can the parties that put up smaller rallies complain to the Election Commission about it terming it as the violation of model code of conduct?" he said.