New Delhi: The Delhi Police's crime branch has seized two mobile phones from businessman Navneet Kalra, who was arrested for alleged hoarding and black marketing of oxygen concentrators, sources said on Wednesday.
Kalra was nabbed from Gurgaon on Sunday night and was formally arrested on Monday. He was on the run for over a week since the seizure of more than 500 oxygen concentrators from Khan Chacha, Town Hall, and Nega & Ju restaurants owned by him.
'The crime branch team probing the case has seized two cell phones from Kalra which have been sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory for further examination,' the sources said.
As part of the investigation, the crime branch took Kalra to three restaurants in Delhi in connection with the case on Tuesday, police said.
An officer said Kalra was taken to Khan Chacha, Townhall, and Nege Ju restaurants from where the concentrators were recovered.
He was also taken for the mandatory medical examination, the police said.