New Delhi:The Delhi police filed an FIR against Maulana Saad of Nizamuddin Markaz, and six others for violating government directions on Tuesday. The Maulana, who is said to be the main accused, is now reportedly missing.
Police had yesterday registered an FIR against the management of Tablighi Jamaat headquartered in south Delhi's Nizamuddin area and reportedly handed over the probe to the crime branch.
Maulana Saad, has reportedly been missing for the past three days, and is not to be found at his residence ever since the matter came to light.
The crime branch is currently in pursuit of the Maulana. Other than the Maulana, six others have been named in the FIR - Dr Zeeshan, Mufti Shahzad, Mohd Shafi, Yunus, Mohd Salman, and Mohd Ashraf.
The Tablighi-Jamaat came at the centre of storm for holding religious programme during prohibitory orders.