New Delhi: Incarcerated AAP leader Manish Sisodia was brought to the Delhi government-run LNJP Hospital for consultation for orthopaedic issues on Tuesday, sources said The former Delhi deputy chief minister is lodged in jail in connection with the excise policy case."Sisodia was brought to the LNJP today around 11 am. He had some orthopedic issues for which he was brought there for treatment and consultation," a source said.
Manish Sisodia brought to LNJP Hospital for consultation for orthopaedic issues
Manish Sisodia the incarcerated AAP leader lodged in jail in relation to the excise policy case was brought to LNJP Hospital for consulting for a orthopedic issue on Tuesday.
AAP leader Manish Sisodia
Published : Jan 16, 2024, 2:30 PM IST