New Delhi:The Delhi High Court Thursday sought response of the Centre and AAP government on a lawyer's plea challenging the Rs 500 challan issued to him for not wearing a mask while he was driving alone.
Justice Navin Chawla issued notice to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Delhi government, Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) and the police seeking their stand on the petition which seeks quashing of the challan, refund of the Rs 500 paid as fine and compensation of Rs 10 lakh for mental harassment suffered by the petitioner.
The petitioner, Saurabh Sharma, has claimed in his plea that on September 9 while driving to work he was stopped by Delhi Police officials and was challaned for not wearing mask even though he was alone in the car.
Sharma, represented by advocate K C Mittal, has contended that there is a Health Ministry notification clarifying that wearing of mask was not compulsory while driving alone in a car.
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