New Delhi: The Supreme Court Monday disbanded the special investigation team (SIT) formed to probe the October 2021, Lakhimpur Kheri violence case, where eight people were killed during the farmers' protest, after noting that the investigation is over and that the trial is underway. The apex court also relieved retired high court judge Rakesh Kumar Jain of the task of supervising the SIT.
A bench comprising justices Surya Kant and Dipankar Datta queried the counsel, representing the Uttar Pradesh government, do we need to have SIT now, when the matter is at trial? The counsel submitted that a certain investigation was pending, now that is also over and a report would be submitted.
The bench noted that the trial is progressing and nothing left to be done by SIT. Justice Kant said that SIT has already completed the investigation, submitted a charge sheet, and now the matter is pending before the trial court.