New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has guaranteed free public travel for students and basic facilities for unauthorised colonies in the city along with continuing the ongoing free subsidy on water and electricity in his "guarantee card" ahead of the February 8 Assembly polls.
The 'Kejriwal ka Guarantee Card' released on Sunday by the Chief Minister has 10 "guarantees", including a promise to reduce air pollution in Delhi by three times.
"We will plant more than two crore trees to make Delhi green," the card reads.
- The first 'guarantee' by the Chief Minister is about electricity, promising continuation of 24 hours uninterrupted power supply and 200 units of free electricity for all.
- "The city will be freed from the web of wires and electricity will reach each household through an underground cable," the guarantee card says.
- The Aam Aadmi Party promised 24-hour pure piped drinking water to each house in the next five years and said the scheme of providing 20,000 liters of free water will continue.
- The third guarantee of Kejriwal is to give a world-class education facility for each child in Delhi. He also promised better health facilities for all as his fourth guarantee.
- His fifth guarantee is to have the "biggest and cheapest" transport facility for the city. "More than 11,000 buses and 500-kilometre Metro stretch in the city," he promised.