New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will launch the spraying of the anti-stubble burning solution in Delhi's Ghalib Pur village on Tuesday according to Minister of Environment, Gopal Rai said on Sunday. So far, we have received applications to spray the anti-stubble burning solution on nearly 1,500 acres of land where non-basmati rice is grown, he said.
Scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, have developed ''bio-decomposer'' capsules, which can be used to prepare a liquid formulation. The solution, when sprayed in the fields, can decompose crop residue and turn it into manure.
A centralised bio-decomposer system has been set up in Kharkhari Nahar village in South West Delhi. This year, the Delhi government is going to use the solution on the land where non-basmati rice is grown.
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