New Delhi: Expressing concerns over higher cut-offs for admission in Delhi University colleges, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said he has written to Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank seeking amendments in the DU Act so that more colleges and universities can be established in the city.
Addressing an online media briefing, Kejriwal said that there is a need to open more colleges and universities in Delhi to provide higher education opportunities to students.
"Around 2.5 lakh students in Delhi pass class 12 board exams every year and of them, only 1.25 lakh get admission in city colleges," Kejriwal said.
He said that there are 91 colleges and institutes affiliated to Delhi University, while IP University, which offers professional degrees, has 127 colleges and institutes.
He said that under Section 5(2) of the DU Act, new colleges established in the city will have to be affiliated to Delhi University.