New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said Delhi can give 56.4 crore litres of treated water daily to Haryana for irrigation and in turn the neighbouring state can release an equal amount of drinking water for the national capital.
Kejriwal floated the idea during the foundation stone-laying ceremony for India's largest sewage treatment plant at Okhla which can treat up to 56.4 crore litres of wastewater per day.
"If we release this 56.4 crore litre of water into the Yamuna, it will flow downstream into the part of Haryana that is woefully short of water for irrigation. If Haryana reciprocates and releases an equal amount of water downstream to Delhi from the northern part of the river, it will satisfy the city's drinking water needs as well. This could be hugely beneficial for both the states," he said.
On groundwater depletion, Kejriwal said, "There are only two solutions before us: water recycling and recharge. Delhi's population is increasing rapidly. It does not have a water source of its own and depends on Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Together with the Centre, we are working on a massive groundwater recharge programme in the Yamuna floodplains."