New Delhi: After a one-and-a-half-year wait, Jawaharlal Nehru University, has finally opened for students in a phased manner beginning September 6. Following the campus's opening, students demonstrated outside the Dean's Student Office for their demands, including the opening of the library and the entry of students into hostel premises.
The varsity has only allowed PhD students who must submit their thesis by December 31 to come to campus.
The students met with the Dean to discuss the matter under the leadership of the JNU Students' Union. During this meeting, the student union demanded that hostels be allocated to students enrolling in the 2020-2021 academic year. Aside from that, demands were made for the early issuance of identity cards to first-year students.
However, after receiving no assurance from the Dean, the students staged a sit-in protest outside the Dean of Students' office.