New Delhi: The Jawaharlal Nehru University administration Monday issued a stern warning against the screening of the BBC documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi (titled India: The Modi Question) which is mired in controversy. The university administration has also said that strict action will be taken against the students who defy the order. This comes after a group of students released a pamphlet for the screening of the documentary on Tuesday.
According to an advisory issued by the JNU administration, the group of students did not seek permission for the screening of the BBC documentary from the administration. Such "unauthorized activity" may "disturb peace and harmony" of the University campus, the advisory read.
"It has come to the notice of the administration that a group of students have in the name of JNUSU released a pamphlet for screening a documentary/movie "India: The Modi Question" scheduled for 24th January, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. in Teflas," the advisory said. "No prior permission for this event has been taken from the JNU Administration. This is to emphasize that such an unauthorized activity may disturb peace and harmony of the University Campus," it added.