New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday refused to grant anticipatory bail to Abhishek Jha, the husband of suspended Jharkhand cadre IAS officer Pooja Singhal, in a money laundering case arising out of the alleged MNREGA scam in the state. Singhal, a 2000-batch IAS officer, is the main accused in the alleged scam allegedly involving the embezzlement of public funds of Rs 18.07 crore when she was the deputy commissioner of Khunti district.
A vacation bench of Justices Surya Kant and M M Sundresh declined to grant relief to Jha and posted the matter for hearing on July 5. Jha has challenged the May 18 order of the Jharkhand High Court denying him bail in the case. His lawyer had earlier mentioned the matter seeking an urgent hearing. On May 18, the high court had dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of Jha and had asked him to surrender before the court in four weeks.
"As held by the Supreme Court, in offences under PMLA rigors of Section 45, will apply. Considering the magnitude of crime involving proceeds of crime to the tune of crores with evidence of it being carefully layered and laundered through investments, materials on record, risk of flight and for the plea taken on behalf of the ED, I do not find this a case fit for grant anticipatory bail," Justice Gautam Kumar Chaudhary of the high court had said while rejecting his bail application.
According to the prosecution, Jha's fortunes soared after his marriage to Singhal, and ill-gotten cash, allegedly the proceeds of crime generated by the officer through corrupt practices, began flowing into his bank accounts. Jha has claimed the money was his legitimate income from his job in Australia. The high court has noted in its order that Jha got married to Singhal in June 2011. The high-profile IAS officer was posted as the deputy commissioner of Khunti district from February 16, 2009 to July 19, 2010.