New Delhi:On the ocassion of his birth anniversary, Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) National president Chirag Paswan on Sunday said that the Janata Dal (United) led by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will lose the Bihar assembly by-elections in Kusheshwarsthan and Tarapur seats. The by-election on these two seats was conducted on October 30 and the results will be declared on November 2.
Chira further stated that the defeat of Nitish Kumar on these two seats is necessary for the welfare of Bihar and the citizens of the state.
"I fought elections honestly. I did not compromise on my principles. Hope the performance of our party will be productive. While JD(U) led by Nitish Kumar will lose both the seats. Only his party has contested 2 seats from NDA. For the victory of Bihar and Biharis, it is necessary for Nitish Kumar to lose and he will lose and after that, his government will fall in Bihar and mid-term elections will be held. In case elections are held, I will decide later whether I have to fight the election independently or in an alliance with any party," Chirag said.