New Delhi: While his father Subrahmanyam Jaishankar was just appointed as the Foreign Minister in new Modi government, Dhruva Jaishankar attracted eyeballs with his reply on a tweet seeking help with a passport or visa.
Dhruva's father Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has previously served as Foreign Secretary from 2015-2018 and was appointed as Minister of External Affairs in the newly formed BJP-led NDA government.
But as soon as Jaishankar was announced as the minister of External Affairs, Dhruva received a request regarding help with visa or passport. Replying to the tweet, Dhruva first tweeted, "Dude. Wrong Twitter handle."
In the second tweet, he said, "Before anyone asks, I can absolutely not help anyone with their passport, visa, or getting-you-out-of-a-foreign-prison problems." He added, "I have plenty of those problems myself (other than the prisons - I try to stay clear of those)."
Jaishankar's son attracts eyeballs with his tweet-reply
Dhruva Jaishankar, son of Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, attracted eyeballs with his reply on a tweet seeking help with a passport or visa. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar was just appointed as the Foreign Minister in new Modi government. As soon as Jaishankar was announced as the minister of External Affairs, Dhruva received a request regarding help with visa or passport.
Dhruva Jaishankar