New Delhi:The procession that led to violence in Delhi's Jahangirpuri was taken out without permission, said DCP North West Dehil, Usha Rangnani, on Monday. She also added that a case has been filed against organizers of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal for carrying out the procession and one Prem Sharma of VHP has been arrested.
Talking about the Jahangirpuri violence in which at least 22 people have been arrested, Usha Rangnani said, "A case dated April 17 was filed against organisers of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal Delhi branch, for carrying out procession (on April 16 evening in PS Jahangirpuri area) without permission; accused Prem Sharma, Jila Sewa Pramukh-Vishwa Hindu Parishad was arrested."