New Delhi [India] : In an appeal today, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chief S Somanath invited the people to participate in the Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz aimed at celebrating the country's successful lunar mission and enhancing their curiosity to know about the space achievements. Interested people can take part in the quiz on government site
The Chandrayaan 3 Maha Quiz, which will have 10 MCQ-type questions, is aimed at encouraging students to explore more about Chandrayaan 3. The quiz comprises 10 MCQ-type questions, which can be attempted in five minutes or 300 seconds.
ISRO chief, in a video posted on X, formerly Twitter, said, "All of you know MyGov is a platform through which you are able to participate in the space quiz program. So don't forget to look at Log in and search for the space quiz program. Be a part of it. Support us, inspire us, get inspired."