New Delhi:Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla on Friday reiterated that all the Central and State intelligence agencies should work in tandem as a strong deterrent against the uprising of terrorism across the country. According to Bhalla, multidimensional and Artificial Intelligence-based use of terror databases by all the agencies of the Centre and the State should be a major option for a successful fight against terrorism.
Bhalla was given the valedictory address on the concluding day of the two-day-long Anti-Terror Conference 2023 organised by the National Investigation Agency (NIA). The conference, which witnessed the participation of top intelligence officials from the Centre and States, also underlined the importance of sharing real-time information.
Top intelligence officials presented research papers during the two-day-long conference incorporating the present menace of Khalistani terrorism, the dismantling of the terror ecosystem, and terror funding. The conference also dwelt on issues like good practices in terror investigation, the use of UAPA and other legal provisions to counter terror and crime, and harvesting investigative intelligence through digital forensics and data analytics.
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