New Delhi: The Delhi police on Sunday booked a man for allegedly raping a 14-year-old girl in the Prashant Vihar police station area. The victim, in her complaint claimed that the accused befriended her over Instagram in September 2022, raped her, and then blackmailed her again for having a physical relationship with his friends.
A police officer said that the accused was booked under the POCSO Act, along with the relevant sections of the law, and the minor was sent for a medical examination. The police launched a thorough probe into the incident and the police are on the lookout for the accused.
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The victim further told the police that the accused, a resident of Rohini Sector 36, had befriended her over Instagram in September 2022. The accused then called the minor to his house and threatened to leak the chats to her parents. The accused then allegedly raped the minor, captured the incident on his mobile, and used the video to threaten her for having a physical relationship with his friends. The police said that the accused will be put behind the bars soon.
In a shocking incident, two gang rape accused and their accomplices allegedly beat up the minor Dalit victim and her mother and set a shed inside their house on fire, leaving two children seriously injured after they refused to withdraw their complaint. A case has been registered and the incident is being investigated by the police personnel.