New Delhi:G20 India chief Coordinator Harsh Shringla on Friday said that women-led development has been a priority of India’s G20 Presidency and the country realises that it is very important to set a new paradigm when it comes to women, not only in the workforce but also in terms of addressing the digital divide.
Shringla was responding to ETV Bharat’s question on India’s G20 priority on gender equality, women empowerment, and the challenges and prospects ahead.
"In terms of women involved in climate change, women in leadership positions are some of the issues that have been taken up under India’s G20 Presidency. We have made very good progress in that area. Also, women empower group has instituted and in many senses, the issues of women empowerment and women-led development have been very high in India’s G20 presidency”, he added.
Bringing issues of women's development and empowerment to the centre stage of the G20 Presidency has been the top priority of the Centre with themes on entrepreneurship development, technology, climate finance, and beyond. For India, the G20 presidency has provided an opportunity to share its success story with the world and also showcase the leadership on Gender Equality and Women empowerment.