New Delhi:India has slammed the updated report of the Office of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Jammu and Kashmir which was published on July 8. The second report on J&K from OHCHR accused India of gross human rights violation in the valley.
In a written reply, the MEA spokesperson's office said, "The update of the report of the OHCHR is merely a continuation of the earlier false and motivated narrative on the situation in the state of Jammu and Kashmir."
India's Foreign Ministry claimed that the assertions in OHCHR are in violation of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity and ignore the core of cross border terrorism.
The MEA said, 'a situation created by years of cross border terrorist attacks emanating from Pakistan has been analysed without any reference to its casualty. The update seems to be a contrived effort to create an artificial parity between the world's largest and the most vibrant democracy and country that only practices state-sponsored terrorism.'
India has also alleged that the human rights body has undermined its own credibility in its updated report by distorting India's policies, practices and values.