New Delhi: India saw 120 per cent growth in electric vehicles (EVs) in the second quarter of this year, driven by a 400 per cent surge in hybrid vehicles, a report showed on Monday. Assistance systems (ADAS) rapidly expanded by 350 per cent (year-on-year) and the adoption of connected and digital cockpit features continue to gain steady traction in passenger vehicles, surpassing 60 per cent, according to the report by CyberMedia Research (CMR).
The surge in EV adoption was driven by the introduction of new affordable models, including, for instance, MG Comet EV from MG Motors. "Automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are focused on introducing electric vehicles with Level 2 advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that include helpful features like adaptive cruise control, lane centering, and automated lane changes,” said John Martin, senior analyst-smart mobility practice, CMR. Additionally, the use of intelligent and connected cockpits within vehicles is on the rise.