New Delhi: Speaking on the Digital India Bill, Union Minister of State (MoS) for Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Friday asserted that the Centre would take all measures to ensure proper regulation of artificial intelligence so as to safeguard the interests of the citizens of the country. He said that the necessary steps would be taken to ensure that AI doesn't harm digital citizens.
Addressing a press conference here, the MoS said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, even the remotest parts of India have been experiencing empowerment in all sectors through the effective application of the latest technologies. "We were the largest 'unconnected' country in 2014. And today, we are the largest 'connected' country in the world," the Minister said.
Chandrasekhar asserted that the people in India were among the highest consumers of mobile internet and data in the world and India was one of the countries to have the lowest prices of data. He also said that today, India was seeing the fastest degree of 5G rollout and the country was having a high degree of indigenous 5G components.