New Delhi:Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has been in the news for his philanthropic work during the Covid-19 pandemic. The 47-year-old actor spoke about several issues during an interview with Etv Bharat. On the question of being hailed as a 'messiah', Sonu Sood said that he is an ordinary human being and believes in staying connected with the ground reality and with common people. He added that there can be no greater satisfaction than being helpful to the needy. It doesn't matter whatever titles people bestow on me as long as they consider me as their own.
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Sonu Sood added that during the pandemic, people's plights came to the fore. When the migrant labourers, with their children, left home on foot, I felt these children should not be under the impression that they have no one to take care of. That is when I decided to reach out to people in need. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, there was not a single state where we did not support the people in need by facilitating them in providing buses, trains tickets, airfares and other necessary provisions.