New Delhi: Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta on Friday asked the Arvind Kejriwal government to honour the religious sentiments of people and lift the ban imposed on performing Chhath Puja at public places and river banks.
Gupta's assertion comes after the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) on Tuesday instructed officials to ensure that Chhath Puja this year is not performed at public places, river banks and temples in Delhi in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Delhi government banned Chhath to cover up its failures in making preparations for it, Gupta charged and questioned how would people living in small houses celebrate the festival.
"The Kejriwal government should immediately lift the ban on Chhath Puja (at public places) honouring the religious sentiments of people and issue an order for it," he said at a press conference.
No reaction was immediately available from the Aam Aadmi Party on the issue.
Gupta said 1,068 ghats are registered by Delhi government where Chhath Puja is held but it did not make any preparations for the festival and imposed a ban on it all of a sudden.