New Delhi: The Hindu Sena has filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in Delhi High Court against 'Adipurush' demanding that some "objectionable scenes" in the film be removed.
The petition stated that the religious characters of Ravana, Lord Rama and Sita from the mythological epic Ramayana have been portrayed in an inaccurate manner contrary to their description in Maharishi Valmiki's Ramayana and Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas. Based on Hindu mythological epic Ramayana starring Prabhas as Lord Rama, Kriti Sanon as Sita and Sunny Singh as Lakshman, 'Adipurush' was released in theatres across the country on Friday.
Hindu Sena national president Vishnu Gupta, who filed the petition claimed that the Om Raut directed film is not fit for unrestricted public exhibition in terms of Section 5A of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 and so should not be certified for public viewing. The petition has stated that without scrapping the controversial scenes from the film, it should neither be given a certificate from the ISC Censor Board nor screened in theatres.